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TRAI issues consultation paper on regulating converged digital technologies & services


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The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has issued a consultation paper on "Regulating Converged Digital Technologies and Services -Enabling Convergence of Carriage of Broadcasting and Telecommunication services".

“Over the period of time, various technological developments in digital markets have resulted in the convergence of devices, services, and networks. Efficient utilization of resources, increased level of competition, more innovative user applications and technological developments are the main drivers of convergence. Convergence has been intensified by the emerging use of digital technologies across the sectors. The convergence of digital and physical products through the use of Machine to Machine (M2M), Internet of Things (loT), Artificial Intelligence and other technologies is paving the way for Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0). Convergence has brought several benefits to stakeholders. Technological convergence not only enables possibility of delivering a broader set of products, but also benefits through lower entrance barriers, promotion of competition, lower cost equipment, quicker market response, and new business opportunities. But at the same time, it has posed several challenges as well,” TRAI said in a statement.  

The paper examines the challenges posed by converging technologies and seeks views of the stakeholders on changes required, if any, in legal, administrative, and licensing framework to deal with them. The consultation paper is available on the TRAIwebsite, and the last date for submission of comments is 27.02.2023 and counter comments by 13.03.2023.

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