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Facebook takes feud with Apple over iOS privacy to the front page


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The Facebook published full-page newspaper ads which alleged that Apple's privacy policy will force users to pay subscription charges or in-app purchases if personalised ads stop Apple and Facebook have intensified their feud after the latter issued a full-page newspaper ad, decrying Apple’s decision to make changes to iOS privacy. The latest update by iOS 14 software lets users block Facebook from tracking their activity across other company’s apps and websites. In response, Facebook issued full-page ads, claiming that these changes will “change internet as we know it.” The ads said that Apple privacy policy will force users to pay subscription charges or in-app purchases if personalised ads stop. Apple instructed its developers have to seek the permission of users with iOS 14, iPad ios 14 and tvos14 AppTrackingTransparency framework or access their device data collected from other companies’ apps, websites or offline properties for targeted advertising or ad measurement purposes. In its defence, Apple simply said that it’s a matter of standing up for their users. Users should know when their data is being collected and share and should have the choice to allow that or not, said apple in a statement.

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