Navigating 2024: Embracing Personalisation, Ethics, and Innovation in Marketing

Guest Column: Somesh Surana, Head- Digital Business Group and Marketing, HDFC ERGO writes how digital marketing, influencer and traditional marketing and personalised and meaningful will lead 2024

by Somesh Surana
Published - January 25, 2024
4 minutes To Read
Navigating 2024: Embracing Personalisation, Ethics, and Innovation in Marketing

The marketing landscape is transforming, driven by changing consumer expectations, technological advancements, and a growing demand for personalisation.  In 2024, several pivotal trends are set to redefine the marketing sphere, offering brands unparalleled opportunities to thrive in this dynamic environment.

Digital marketing continues to thrive

Digital marketing landscape is abuzz with exciting AI-driven trends as most Indian marketers are ready to embrace AI, with anticipation of significant changes in their work. Some of the AI-driven trends brewing in 2024 are:

Conversational Marketing

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants will see widespread adoption, offering real-time, personalised engagement and guiding customers through their purchase journey. 

Voice Search Optimisation

As voice assistants are projected to reach 8.4 billion by 2024, optimising content for voice search and natural language queries becomes imperative.

Data Analytics and Automation

The surge in data analytics is reshaping the industry, providing unprecedented customer insights. Marketers will continue to leverage AI to analyse extensive data, tailoring campaigns, from personalised emails to real-time adaptive website content, enhancing engagement and loyalty, which will not only enable hyper-personalised customer experiences and help in delivering proposition-driven marketing but will also amplify the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Data-Driven Attribution Models

Measuring the true impact of each marketing touch-point will be crucial for optimising campaigns, identifying areas of improvement and maximising return on investment (ROI). 

Interactive and immersive content

From AR/VR experiences to shoppable video and interactive infographics, brands will embrace interactive formats to engage audiences. 

Short-Form Video Content Reigns

Platforms like Instagram and YouTube Shorts will be the key for visually captivating and interactive content, set up in the right context.

In the coming years insurance industry’s commitment will be to spread awareness about insurance and to get all Indian citizens insured for their secured future. Digital media will continue to play a significant role in attaining this objective. While employing a 360-degree media mix, incorporating traditional mediums like TV, Radio, Outdoor for certain campaigns, it is vital to harness the prowess of Digital Marketing encompassing social media and influencer marketing to convey the core messaging of a brand’s campaign. 

Influencer marketing evolution

Influencer marketing continues to evolve, with both large and micro-influencers playing pivotal roles. Collaborations with influencers humanise complex topics, making them more relatable and delivering key messages effectively. However while involving an influencer can help to propel the brand visibility, it also becomes pertinent for the marketers to get their brands associated with the right set, so that brand proposition doesn’t get diluted. 

Traditional marketing continues

Despite digital marketing's dominance, traditional marketing continues to thrive. During the Men's Cricket World Cup 2023, as per reports by leading media houses, global and local brands in India spent around INR 3 million for a 10-second ad, highlighting the enduring significance of traditional channels. In the BFSI sector, TV remains a preferred medium due to its extensive reach, with outdoor advertising also holding a substantial position in key locations. Notably, big-budget BFSI players are shifting away from traditional print channels, reserving print for major announcements or brand milestones. While TV and outdoor dominate, digital branding is also gaining momentum, reflecting an acknowledgment of evolving consumer habits.  In the health insurance category, media consumption is diverse, led by TV and digital channels, while out-of-home advertising plays a crucial role with a 13% share (Source: MAP 2023). Mass mediums, such as radio and out-of-home, remain focal points for brand strategies.


The Future of Marketing: Personalised and Meaningful

Digital Marketing is the way ahead. However, while digital will play a vital role, the right approach to the brand building will remain a 360 degrees media mix with blend of traditional and digital media, based on the target group. We may also witness the usage of AI more for the purpose of analysing the data – providing insights into target-based marketing. Adaptability to changing consumer behaviours and implementing innovative approaches remain cornerstones of marketing success in a landscape evolving almost daily. As we are ready to enter the 2024, one thing remains certain: the future of marketing is bright, dynamic, and full of potential. Here’s to embracing these trends and forging a path of innovation, inclusion, and success.