Next-Gen Marketing: The Trends That Will Shape 2024 and Beyond

Guest Column: Prasenjit Basu, Head of Marketing at Voltbek Appliances India Ltd. explores the Future of Marketing in 2024 with AI, VR, UGC and Short form content

by Prasenjit Basu
Published - January 16, 2024
4 minutes To Read
Next-Gen Marketing: The Trends That Will Shape 2024 and Beyond

The world of marketing is in a perpetual state of evolution, and as we set sail for 2024, the landscape is set to undergo a transformative shift. Next-generation marketing is not merely about keeping up with the times; it is about anticipating and embracing the future. The rapid advancement of technology continues to be a defining force in marketing. In the coming years, the essence of marketing will transcend conventional boundaries. It will be about more than just selling products; it will be about building meaningful relationships, weaving narratives that resonate with the values of an increasingly discerning audience, and harnessing the power of cutting-edge technologies to craft experiences that leave an indelible mark. 

AI driven conversational marketing and Hyper-Personalization

As per McKinsey State of AI Report, 79% of respondents stated that integrating AI into marketing and sales has increased business revenue. AI is primed to revolutionize content marketing by augmenting personalization and performance. We believe that the rise in AI's creativity, search, media planning, and activation will shape 2024. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants will play a pivotal role in conversational marketing. These technologies will be better placed to handle customer queries, provide personalized recommendations, and offer 24/7 support, improving customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Further research shows that 62% of consumers now consider personalized experiences a crucial expectation from brands and 49%, express a likelihood of becoming repeat buyers or users when given a chance to personalize according to ones requirements. This shift aims to deliver an entirely customized user experience tailored to individual preferences and behaviours. Hyper-personalization in home appliances transforms these everyday devices into intuitive, responsive companions, enhancing convenience and efficiency while seamlessly integrating into the personalized lifestyles of users.

Hyper personalization has become possible through AI as well. AI is helping marketers to analyse huge amount of customer data, such as browsing behaviour, purchase history, and social media interactions, using advanced algorithms and techniques. This will in turn empower businesses to create highly personalized experiences for their customers. By leveraging AI-driven insights. Marketers will have a means to offers and content to individual preferences, thereby fostering long term connections with their consumers.

Virtual Reality (VR) And Augmented Reality (AR) Integration in Marketing

Integration of AR and VR to better consumer experiences will be an upcoming trend too. Augmented reality (AR) will empower businesses and will create engaging and interactive experiences for their customers. By integrating AR into marketing, brands will be able to allow consumers to visualize the products in their surroundings, offering virtual try-on experiences and influencing their purchase decision. 

User Generated Content (UGC)

Brands in the home appliances sector are tapping into the power of UGC to foster engagement, provide social proof, and forge meaningful connections with consumers. As we look ahead to 2024 and beyond, the role of UGC in the home appliances sector is poised to become even more crucial. Moreover, UGC provides a unique opportunity for brands to garner insights into user experiences, preferences, and needs, offering a valuable outsider view that can inform product development, marketing strategies, and overall customer satisfaction. In the era of heightened consumer empowerment, home appliance brands are recognizing UGC as a dynamic tool that not only amplifies their reach but also deepens their understanding of consumer sentiments, making it an integral component of their marketing playbook for the foreseeable future.

Short Format Interactive Content

Short format videos, live streaming, and interactive content are poised to become pivotal strategies for engaging consumers with fleeting attention spans. Home appliance brands will harness the power of concise, visually compelling shortformat videos to quickly showcase product features and benefits. Live streaming will take center stage, enabling brands to host real-time product demonstrations, answer consumer queries, and create an interactive experience around the latest appliance innovations. Interactive content, such as virtual tours or quizzes showcasing the functionality of smart home appliances, will empower consumers to actively engage with the brand. For instance, a home appliances brand might utilize live streaming to conduct a virtual cooking class using their microwave oven creating an immersive and interactive experience that resonates with consumers seeking both information and engagement in their daily scroll through digital content. 

As we have stepped into another year, the key lies in not just adapting but proactively shaping the future of marketing, ensuring it resonates with the ever-changing pulse of the consumer and the world at large. However, the journey does not end in 2024; but a starting point for marketing initiatives will continue to be dynamic and responsive. Looking ahead, the fusion of technology, data, and purpose-driven narratives will likely amplify. The role of marketers will extend beyond selling products to shaping experiences and contributing to positive social and environmental change. As the marketing landscape evolves, staying ahead of the curve and embracing the next wave of innovations will be the hallmark of successful brands in the years to come.